My plenary speech on the debate on ratifiying the Violence and Harassment Convention no. 190 of the International Labour Organisation

Today in 2024 we are still far from a Union of Equality; far from ending the patriarchal architecture of our society.

1 in 3 women in the EU have experienced a form of physical and/or sexual violence. While the EU has delivered progressive legislation over the last decade to promote women’s empowerment, such as the work life balance directive, the women on board directive, the pay transparency directive and the gender based violence directive, much still needs to be done.

For example, one third of women, who have faced sexual harassment in the EU, have experienced it at work.

The ILO Convention No. 190 is the first international treaty to recognise the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence.

It sets the obligation to respect, promote and realise this right, as well as minimum standards for tackling harassment and violence to realize a healthy, safe, and equal work environment for all.

We are at a crossroads when it comes to a Union of equality !

Everywhere in Europe, populists and far right forces attack women’s rights! In order to preserve the core values of our Union, we must support this ILO convention NO 190 by ratifying it in all 27 Member States.

Women deserve it and all workers will profit from it!