Vielen Dank Frau Vorsitzende, Dear Commissioner Dalli, Lieber Micheal Roth, Dear colleagues,

A dedicated Council configuration on Gender equality and Equality was never more obvious and needed than today, because the Covid19 crisis has shown us that too many inequalities exist between women and men, that too many discriminations subsist and that the most vulnerable often are people victims of intersectional discrimination.

Let me also clearly state that GENDER is not an ideology, as the very right side of this hemicycle always wants to make believe, no it is an identity…!

The S&D group will stand against those who want to ban this word in European documents…and the same goes for intersectionality…yes multiple discrimination  also exists in our UNION, and we socialists and democrats appreciate that Commissioner Dally insists that all equality strategies from the EC must talk to each other!

One could say that Gender Equality and equality must be a horizontal task and concern all policy fields. YES that is true and therefore I believe that a dedicated Council Formation will be a motor , will highlight the importance and make sure Gender Equality and Equality is streamed through all  EU policy fields and make our societies more equal and fair!

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