A green new deal with a red heart: With fair taxes and a socially just economy.

Fighting for a fair tax system is a long-standing priority for Europe and especially the socialists in the EP. Eliminating tax evasion and tax avoidance is crucial to assure a functioning social system and to grant fair competition outside and inside the EU. In that regard I will also focus on developments, such as FinTech, as those new technologies will deeply transform the European and global economic system.
The European Semester was created as a system for Member states to coordinate their economic and fiscal policies. Today we know that it is not enough to take into account only purely economic and fiscal key points/aspects. Sustainable development is a priority for me. Therefore, I will fight to incorporate social and environmental aspects in the European Semester. Only if these aspects are duly taken into account are we able to create an even deeper a fairer economic and monetary union. In this regard, a direct and especially understandable communication with the public and civil society are also key points.
Green and sustainable finance have to play a bigger role, if we want the European Green Deal to succeed.