Dear colleagues,

According to CEDEFOP, almost half of EU workers will need to update their skills and/or gain new ones to get or keep jobs and to embrace the opportunities of the digital and green transitions

Therefore, we socialists and democrats fully support the EU Commission efforts in implementing the skills agenda, the European pillar of social rights, by pushing Member states to join this path in order to leave no one behind.

Member States must use money from EU funds, the Recovery Fund included, to adapt their education and training systems.

Vulnerable groups must have an equal access to education, skilling and upskilling.

The EU and Member states must avoid the creation of new gaps resulting from unequal access to technology, especially between generations, gender and between rural areas and cities.

As Socialist and Democrats, we will stand with EU citizen and will support them to embrace transitions without forgetting to strengthen next to their skills also their personal development and critical thinking.

In a changing world, being aware of the necessity of the EU skills agenda is crucial for both workers and employers.