
My Plenary speech on universal decriminalization of homosexuality, in light of recent developments in Uganda


Violence, harassment and hate speech in Uganda: these are not made-up allegations,

My Plenary speech on universal decriminalization of homosexuality, in light of recent developments in Uganda2023-04-19T21:31:54+02:00

My plenary speech on breaches of EU law and of the rights of LGBTIQ citizens in Hungary


Danke Herr Vorsitzender, Dear all, Conflating homosexuality and transidentity with paedophilia is

My plenary speech on breaches of EU law and of the rights of LGBTIQ citizens in Hungary2021-07-07T14:18:48+02:00

ETUC pledge for a stronger Gender Pay Transparency directive signed!


Please find more information here about the initiative here: Listen below

ETUC pledge for a stronger Gender Pay Transparency directive signed!2021-06-21T17:01:41+02:00